Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nutritional Energetic Assessment: Part 3: Rules

Rule 1
Educate yourself regarding the anatomy and physiology of the body organs and glands or systems that you will be energetically testing.
Rule 2
Educate yourself regarding the appearance and function of the various chemical elements and compounds that you will be energetically testing for.
Rule 3
Educate yourself regarding the anatomy and physiology of the various pathogenic organisms that you will be energetically testing for.
Rule 4
Have confidence in NEA and in yourself when assessing energetic levels.
Rule 5
Make sure both you and the patient are well hydrated. It may be useful to both drink 12 ounces of water before beginning the NEA tests.
Rule 6
Remain in a neutral state of mind or mode when testing. Do not pre-judge the result before or while testing.
Rule 7
If possible, position the patient so that their back is facing North.
Rule 8
Anyone who is physically intimately involved with the patient should be 8-12 feet away from the patient during the testing.
Rule 9
Patient and tester should remove all metal and electronic devices from their bodies. This includes dental bridges.
Rule 10
Testing should take place in a quiet room.
Rule 11
As each point is tested the tester should say the name of the test out loud and both the tester and the patient should think of that test item during the test.
Rule 12
Frequent rests should be taken during the testing so as to not overly fatigue the patient.

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